Design of Plant Acoustic Frequency Technology (PAFT) as a Plant Stimulus with Automatic Control System Based on Solar Cell Technology


  • Refpo Rahman D3 Science Laboratory, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Heriansyah D3 Science Laboratory, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Fades Br. Gultom D3 Science Laboratory, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Author
  • Riska Ekawita Physics, FMIPA, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia Author


arduino uno, design of PAFT, plant acoustic frequency technology, solar panels


This research aims to develop a Plant Acoustic Frequency Technology (PAFT) tool that can increase plant productivity. The Plant Acoustic Frequency Technology (PAFT) tool was developed using solar energy technology. PAFT is a technology that applies sound waves to plants. This tool uses several components such as Arduino Uno, relay, and RTC DS3231. Before being used on agricultural land, the tool is validated through the following stages: 1) testing the design of the PAFT tool, 2) testing the effectiveness of the solar panel battery, 3) testing the sound intensity and 4) testing the PAFT tool automation. Based on the analysis and testing results, the device can function properly with a stable sound output intensity of the speakers for 30 minutes. In addition, testing the battery's effectiveness shows a very good ability, namely being able to operate and charge the battery within + 5 hours. This tool can turn on automatically according to the time when conditions are sunny because the power stored in the battery is sufficient. If it is raining or cloudy, the tool will not function properly, because the battery power is not able to turn on the tool.


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