Practicality And Effectiveness Game Snake Chemistry Ladder as a Learning Media on Material Reaction Reduction and Oxidation Class X SMA/MA


  • Yusi Yuliana Department of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and Knowledge Knowledge Nature, University Negeri Padang, Padang, 25131, Indonesia Author
  • Iswendi Department of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and Knowledge Knowledge Nature, University Negeri Padang, Padang, 25131, Indonesia Author



Effectiveness, Game Media Snake Chemical Ladder, Practicality, Reactions Reduction and Oxidation


This study is to examine the developed game snake ladder chemistry as a learning media to the real class. Objective study to disclose level practicality and level effectiveness game snake ladder chemistry as a learning medium on material Reaction Reduction and Oxidation class X MAN 1 Padang Panjang. Design study is One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Subject study is class X MIPA 3. Instruments study on test practicality form questionnaire practicality to teachers and participants educate and test effectiveness form question pre-test and completed post - test tested try it. Practicality data analyzed with percentage and effectiveness data with N-Gain. Based on results analysis of the data obtained, the teacher practicality is 91% (very practical) and participants educate on a small group by 86% (very practical), and test field-test obtained by 87% (very practical). Results analysis effectiveness obtained mark N-Gain by 76% with category effective. Based on results, study can conclude that game snake ladder chemistry as a learning medium on material reaction reduction and oxidation class X MAN 1 Padang Panjang very practical and effective.


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